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香港社創先驅謝家駒博士獲選 「2020年度社會創新前瞻思想家」

香港社創先驅謝家駒博士獲施瓦布社會企業家基金會 (Schwab Foundation) 選為「2020年度社會創新前瞻思想家」。施瓦布社會企業家基金會成立於1998年,是世界經濟論壇的姐妹組織。基金會每年頒發獎項予全球20-25名促進社會創新的傑出人士,今年選出的得奬者包括卓越的社會創業家和首席執行官、跨國和地區企業領導人、政府領導人及知名專家,位位皆是社會創新的佼佼者。


對於獲得社會企業界的國際殊榮,謝博士說:「獎項是對我過去20年在香港推動社會創新的肯定。我相信創新必須緊貼社會需要,只有解決痛點才能創造效益。日後我希望普及社創知識,與所有人一起建立動員運動,為香港社會帶來新氣象。2020年8月我和團隊開拓了新組織 『仁人行動』,願景是通過平台分享最尖端的社會創新工具及方式,轉化資源,激發創新,鼓勵更多有熱誠的朋友加入,形成一個社群,達到人人行動。」






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Press Release 

23rd Sept,2020


Dr. KK Tse received the Social Innovation Thought Leader Award of the Year 2020

by Schwab Foundation of Social Entrepreneurship

The Schwab Foundation of Social Entrepreneurship, the sister organization of the World Economic Forum, was founded in 1998. It is a global recognition to honour social innovators which have fostered social entrepreneurship. This year, Dr. KK Tse named  Social Innovation Thought Leader Award of the Year 2020. Others awardees include distinguished social entrepreneurs and CEOs, multinational and regional business leaders, government leaders and leading experts. 


“The Schwab Foundation Social Innovators stand for trust, truth and service. They truly devote their lives through innovative actions to improve livelihoods,” said Hilde Schwab, Co-Founder and Chairperson of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. “The Social Innovators of the Year 2020 represent a new ecosystem of leaders who are driving change and shifting organizations and systems towards a more just, inclusive, sustainable future”.


“The award is a recognition of my efforts in nurturing social entrepreneurs and promoting social innovation in Hong Kong. I believe that social innovation must be relevant to the needs of society and that only by solving pain points can we create benefits. In August 2020, my team and I set up  a new organization, Impact Partners HK, with the vision of sharing forward leading social innovation tools and the art & science of movements building, we could initiate and sustain social innovation through movement building and engage more enthusiasts to join us.” said Dr. KK Tse,


Mrs. Rebecca Yung Choy, Chair of the Organising Committee of Social Enterprise Summit, congratulated Dr. Tse on receiving the award, saying, "Dr. Tse is a visionary and persistent thought leader. We hope this international award will encourage more people to participate in the social innovation movement and contribute to the development of Hong Kong."


Over the past 20 years, Dr.Tse has been at the forefront of social innovation initiation and create extensive impact on the community and nurturing individuals interested in helping social enterprise and social entrepreneurship. At the age of 72, Dr. Tse will continue to promote forward-looking social innovation movements in Hong Kong and look forward to seeing more people join the movement.




關於 謝家駒博士

謝家駒博士是香港首位獲施瓦布社會創業基金 (Schwab Foundation) 選為 「社會創新前瞻思想家」的得獎者。作為香港社創先驅,謝博士早於2008年成立「社會創業論壇」並擔任創會主席,後來先後創辦「黑暗中對話(香港)有限公司」(2008年)、「仁人學社」(2012年)及「仁人行動」(2020年)。現時亦為「仁人行動」及「仁人學社」的創辦人以及「共益實驗室(香港及澳門)」(B Lab Hong Kong & Macau)的聯席主席。謝博士早年曾擔任瑞安集團高層管理人員,並於1992年創辦「謝家駒管理顧問公司」。提早退休後積極推動社會創業及培養社會企業家,回饋社會。目前謝家駒博士積極推動共益企業 (B Corp)以及各類社會創新運動,鼓勵以人人參與方式推進社會創新,創造社會效益、解決社會問題。


關於 仁人行動

「仁人行動」為謝家駒博士新倡導的項目,於2020年8 月成立,希望匯聚各方思維、起動社會創新,同心合力解決社會問題。採用劃時代協作平台方案及運用新力量思維,與有志同行者分享內容、共享價值,普及最前沿的社會創新工具及方式,目的旨在降低社會創新的參與門檻。我們通過集合各方有志之士,再推而廣之感染更多同行者,並帶動更多群眾參與,繼而起動各個機構、團體、企業加入,達致持續及更具效益的社會創新行動。



關於 仁人學社

2012年,謝家駒博士以社會創新事業為己任,創辦了「仁人學社」,信守教育向善,協助官、商、民、學四個界別實踐服務和產品創新,培訓機構上下員工和年輕一代為行動型的創新人才,令服務及產品不斷推陳出新,滿足社會需求,推廣關愛文化。2015年,獲得共益企業 (B Corp) 的認證,秉承「所有人看到困難問題,都會視為創新機遇」為機構服務願景,並以啟發百萬人才,促進創新,造福社會為使命。由2016至2019年,累計已服務348 家機構及單位,積極培訓社會各界人才成為社會變革者,建設一個更繁榮、更健康、更環保、更公義的社會。



關於 對話體驗 (原:黑暗中對話)

「黑暗中對話」於2008年由謝家駒博士和張瑞霖先生引進香港,創立以來成績斐然,是首家以不同能力的人(多元人士)去創造社會效益的社企,由2010年起累計為超過200位多元人士提供職業培訓、全職或兼職工作崗位,當中「黑暗中對話體驗館」服務了超過50萬名參觀者,其中包括服務超過500間企業、政府和非政府機構,同時多年被TripAdvisor 列為旅遊熱點上的首位。2014年,「黑暗中對話」的重塑品牌,推出「對話體驗」並以「多元共融, 引領社會向前」理念,提供具影響力的「創效於樂體驗」(Impactainment),透過不同學習和培訓工作坊,為社會帶來共融、多元和平等新視角。2017年,「對話體驗」成為全港第二間共益企業。



關於 香港社會創業論壇 及 社企民間高峰會





關於 共益實驗室(香港及澳門)

共益實驗室(香港及澳門)於2020年1月正式成立,是一個非牟利組織並致力推動企業實現「以商為善」,聯同全球各地共益實驗室,鼓勵企業追求利潤同時為社會不同持份者締造一個具包容性、公平友善和持續再生的經濟圈。共益實驗室認為運用商業力量,在營商過程中可同時著眼解決社會需要及挑戰,並藉此建設具包容性及可持續發展的商業模式。此外,共益實驗室創立共益企業認證,以客觀標準評審各類企業,通過評審的共益企業是商界中富社會責任感及有前瞻視野的先行企業。目前全球有3,522家共益企業,當中24 家來自中國、27家來自台灣,香港亦有10家先行企業獲得共益企業認證。謝家駒博士的積極推動下,已有超過30名共益企業顧問接受培訓,相信香港會有更多共益企業將會受到認證。







About Dr. KK Tse

Dr. Tse is the first awardee in Hong Kong to receive “Social Innovation Thought Leader Award of the Year 2020” by Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. As a pioneer in social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong, Dr. Tse founded the Social Entrepreneurship Forum in 2008 and served as its Founding Chair. He is also the founder of Impact Partners HK , Education for Good  and the Co-Chairman of B Lab Hong Kong & Macau. Dr. Tse was a senior executive of Shui On Group and set up his own management consulting firm “K K Tse & Associates ” in 1992. After his early retirement, Dr. Tse has been actively promoting entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. Dr. Tse is an active driver to B Corp and other social innovation movements, encouraging collective power approach to initiate social innovation and solving social problem.


About Impact Partners HK

Impact Partners HK is a new project initiated by Dr. KK Tse and established in August 2020. Impact Partners HK is devoted to enabling and empowering movement building with new power and new values. The organization makes available free of charge the knowledge, experience, resources, networks, of its founder to individuals and groups who are keen to create a positive impact on society and inspire a new generation of change-makers in Hong Kong. This platform aims to provide forward-leading tools and  lower the barriers to participate in social innovation. By bringing together all interested parties, we aim to reach out to more partners and engage more people, and further mobilize organizations, groups, and enterprises to join us for a more sustainable and effective way of creating social innovation movement.



About Education for Good

In 2012, Dr. KK Tse founded the Education for Good, which is an institute aims at nurturing the future generations of social entrepreneurs. It is dedicated to social innovation, to assist the government, business, civil society and academic sectors in service and product innovation. With the mission “To Inspire Everyone to Become a Changemaker. To Enable Every Business to Become a Social Business.” In 2015, Education for Good became the first certified B Corp in Hong Kong. From 2016 to 2019, it has served 348 organizations and government units, actively training people from all walks of life to become social change agents and build a more prosperous, healthier, greener and more just society.



About Dialogue Experience 

Dialogue in the Dark was introduced to Hong Kong in 2008 by Dr. Tse and Mr. Patrick Cheung. It is the first social enterprise in Hong Kong to engage PoDs (People of Differences) to create social impact.  It has offered job opportunities to over 200 PoDs since 2010. The Dialogue in the Dark Exhibition has served over 500,000 visitors including more than 500 corporates, government and non-government organization. In 2014, Dialogue in the Dark was rebranded as “Dialogue Experience” with the mission to advocate inclusion and diversity for an inclusive Hong Kong by providing an impactful "Impactainment" experience. In 2017, Dialogue Experience became the second certified B Corp in Hong Kong, with different learning and training workshops bringing a new perspective of inclusion, diversity and equality to the community.



About Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum & Social Enterprise Summit 

The Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum was founded in 2008 by Dr. Tse and a group of advocates, with the mission of promoting the development of social enterprise. Since 2014, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum organized The Social Enterprise Summit. SES has become a highly-acclaimed annual event. The Summit also serves as a platform become a major cross-sector platform among the civic sector, businesses, academia and government in the region to advance social entrepreneurship and social innovation for positive social changes. Every year, it attracts some 3,000-4,000 participants every year from Hong Kong, mainland China and the Asia Pacific region.

Website of the Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum:

Website of the Social Enterprise Summit:

About B Lab Hong Kong & Macau 

B Lab Hong Kong & Macau established in 2020. It is a non-profit driving B Corp movement in Hong Kong and Macau to encourage corporates using business as a force for good. Certified B Corporations (B Corp) are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. They consider the impact of their decisions on different stakeholders and aim to create an inclusive, equitable and regenerative global economy. Only companies meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance via the rigorous , transparent and holistic B Impact Assessment (BIA) could be certified B Corps. There are 3,522 certified B Corps globally, with 24 B Corps from China, 27 B Corps from Taiwan and 10 B Corps from Hong Kong. With the effort to Dr. Tse, more than 30 well-trained B Corps consultants are assisting company in B Corp consultation in Hong Kong. 

Website of B Lab Hong Kong & Macau:


Please contact Vickie Yip for more information.


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